Intercultural Management Competence:  
R E A D I N G    A    B O O K    I S    
O F T E N    N O T    E N O U G H

Every executive and everyone with management responsibility knows it. The chances to reach our goals are higher when we develop and maintain good relations to our customers, our partners and our team. The various challenges are even bigger when people with different cultural backgrounds work together or do business with each other. 

The ability to apply knowledge and experience in an intercultural context in the right way at the right time is not an add-on qualification that you can acquire by the way. There is no real name for it that is why we call this ability Intercultural Management Competence.

It’s like having the right feeling for mixing spices. One pinch too much – the whole dish is ruined. Not enough – the food is bland and tasteless. Please click here to read more about our definition of Intercultural Management.

Reading a book alone will not make you an intercultural expert. But you can develop your Intercultural Management Competence step by step.


We are convinced that competence in Intercultural Management is a key element in making a company stand far above the competition in trade and business in the global environment we face today.

We are also convinced that the key to success – measured by reaching company goals or personal professional goals – is based in developing expertise.

Should we do this because “Intercultural” is “in”? No. We should do this because sales, production and personnel markets at home and abroad are becoming more international, more diverse and, as a result, more intercultural.

The result is a feeling of security and self-confidence. You yourself decide to stay in the game and be successful. You are not dependent on others.

This is what we offer: